Growth Chart for My Little Ones

Sunday, October 21, 2007

21 Oct 2007 - Another great Sunday and Hey Baby 2007 registration

Jerlene woke up very early today. In fact for the past one week, she has been waking up much earlier than us. After she woke up, she will crawl towards us and sleep by our side. :-)

Anyway, we went for breakfast at a nearby 茶餐厅. We have been to this restaurant about 2-3 times and the waitresses there all recognize Jerlene. Every now and then, they will come over and play with Jerlene. After breakfast, we were still contemplating whether to go Mustafa or Suntec. The final decision is Suntec City.

So off we go. First we walked around the toy section (as usual) in Carrefour. We saw something which we would like to buy but before we commit on that, we decided to go Toy-R-Us and compare the price....hehe..... There were so many toys that interest Jerlene and we were not sure which to buy. In the end, we felt we need more time to consider. As we exit Toy-R-Us, we saw a counter setup outside with a banner saying "Hey Baby 2007". We walked towards it and realized it is a registration counter for a Baby Contest organized by Mediacorptv.

Without much hesitation, I registered Jerlene for the Most Adorable Baby Contest!!!! Just for the fun, anyway registration fee only $5. I think it was all fated because today is the last day of registration. If in the morning I decided to go Mustafa, or if I did not compare prices in Toy-R-Us, I would not have come across the counter. You are all welcome to come and support Jerlene at Suntec on 3 Nov 2007, about 11am, OK?

Before we leave Suntec, we bought half a dozen of donuts from the Donuts Factory, which was super popular recently. At about 4pm, we were home and it's swimming time. When Jerlene took her first step into the pool, she seems a bit nervous and uneasy. However, after about 5mins of getting used to the water, she was back to her wildness. She was having so much fun splashing water all over herself and me. This is another great Sunday! :-)

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