Growth Chart for My Little Ones

Monday, March 31, 2008

30 Apr 08 - A swimming star is borned

The reason why I say that is because Jerlene has started learning how to kick her leg in the pool. Not only that, she also seems to learn how to trap water, and how to swim backstroke etc etc. When I let her lie flat on the water surface in a backstroke position, she always tries to bend her head backwards so that her entire hair is submerged in the water. While in the freestyle position, she will start kicking her legs. Also, she kept wanting to jump into the water whereby it is much deeper than her height. She totally has no fear even when her head is submerged in water for 1-2 seconds. Probably that's because she knows I'm around and I will never put her into any danger. Having said that, I must really be extra alert now in the pool since she dun know what is danger.

Too bad I forgot to bring my camera down today. Otherwise I can show you all how she enjoy in the pool. But stay tuned as I'll try to capture some videos and images of all those fun moment next weekend.

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