Growth Chart for My Little Ones

Friday, November 7, 2008

2 Nov 2008 - Fun with cone seeds at East Coast beach

This morning, our intention is to go and visit the newly launch Marina Barrage. However when we reached there, it was extremely crowded. After a while, we realized it's because of the New Paper Big Walk event. As such, we decided to leave the place and come back some other time.

We then headed to East Coast Parkway to have our lunch at OldTown Cafe. After lunch, we took a short walk to the beach and Jerlene started to run about in the big open space. There were many cone seeds on the ground and she was having so much fun throwing and kicking them.
While all of us were enjoying, suddenly we felt a few raindrops. We quickly carried Jerlene and returned to our car. But before we reached our car, it started to rain and we were all a bit drenched. I guess this is Jerlene's first time to dash under the rain. :-)

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