Growth Chart for My Little Ones

Thursday, April 9, 2009

5 Apr 2009 - Morning fun at playground and sun tanning

I checked on the white portion of our little prince's eye and it seemed like the jaundice level had gone up. So we brought him down by the poolside this morning for some sun tanning under the shade. Tracy was with him while I brought Jerlene to the playground at the other side of the pool.
After half an hour of playground fun, we went to join Tracy and little prince. While little prince was tanning, Jerlene kept playing a fool at the back of the stroller........
At around 10am, we decided to stop tanning as the sunlight was getting stronger. Btw, Jerlene now knows how to take off her own shoes and keep it in her own shoe cabinet. She is a very systematic person. She needs to place the shoes neatly before closing the cabinet.

Tracy said that earlier on while little prince was tanning by the poolside, a Malay woman came by and told her that to "treat" newborn jaundice, one way is to bath the baby with a kind of yellow flower. Initially we thought she referred to chrysanthemum. However, I called my mom to confirm but she said that according to some confinement lady, it is a kind of plant called 金银花, which supposed to help in detoxifying the body. We do have a packet of such plant so we decided to give it a try.
Tracy's grandmother called in the afternoon looking for Jerlene. She used to call and chat with Jerlene in the past when Jerlene was being taken care of by my MIL. This is the first time I sees Jerlene really talking on the phone, and not pretending play. Though she did not say much, she was really focused and responded to questions every now and then. I believe she was on the phone for about 10mins before she said bye bye and put down the phone.

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