Growth Chart for My Little Ones

Friday, October 30, 2009

25 Oct 2009 - Angels going for haircut

Many friends of mine always comment that Javier has got so much hair. Those who have kids are especially envious of us. Jerlene, just like Javier, also got lots of hair since birth. However, one negative thing about having so much hair is that we need to bring them for haircut very frequently. At least once every 2 months or less. I tried very hard to delay it but after all those nagging from my parents, I decided to bring them for haircut today.

Instead of going to the usual salon at Bishan, I decided to bring them to the $10 haircut shop at NorthPoint. This shop actually provides kiddy rides free for children who come here for haircut. We waited for about 20mins and it's our turn. Jerlene went first and she's very obedient. Whenever I asked her to look at the mirror and dun move, she will follow. However, because she got distracted very easily by the surrounding, I gotta kept reminding her to look in front. I think Jerlene is considered very good already because I used to see kids of her age cry throughout the haircut. Below is how she looks after the cut.......

To be continued...

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