Growth Chart for My Little Ones

Saturday, May 19, 2012

12 May 2012 - Sense of responsibility

As Tracy had a wedding lunch at Marina Oriental today, I brought the kids to Marina Square in the afternoon to meet up with her.  By the time we reached there, both Jerlene and Javier had fallen asleep in the car.  As I can't possibly carry the 2 of them at the same time, I had no choice but to wake up them.  And there is one magic sentence that will always work at this stage, "Let's go to the playground!".  Usually they will be very grouchy if they do not wake up "naturally".  However, the moment I spoke the magic sentence, both of them had their eyes wide open.  Within seconds, they got very excited and quickly got off the car.

There were many kids at the indoor playground on level 2 of Marina Square.  Jerlene and Javier quickly took off their shoes and off they went.  I had a hard time following the 2 of them around at the playground.

We spent close to an hour at the playground and Tracy finally joined us. We then went Anderson for an ice cream feast.  After that, we decided to walk around and there was a rock climbing event at the center stage.  Both Jerlene and Javier kept running around like nobody business.  I tried to get them to stop running but they just would not listen.  So both Tracy and I decided to hide at one corner and see how they react when they lost us.  Jerlene was the first to realize it.  Instead of quickly running back to look for us, the first thing that came to her mind was to hold onto Javier first.  She then walked back to look for us while holding onto Javier tightly.  There were a few times when Javier wanted to run away and Jerlene got to chase him to hold him back.  I thought Jerlene will get panic and may probably cry but she did not.  In fact, she seemed quite calm and good thing was, she never left her little brother alone.  Is that called a sense of responsibility?  :-)

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