Growth Chart for My Little Ones

Friday, January 30, 2015

30 Jan 2015 - School Dental Centre (Health Promotion Board)

Last year when we brought Jerlene to her school dental clinic, we asked the dentist regarding dental checkup for pre-schoolers.  She said that we can actually make an appointment with School Dental Centre, which is under Health Promotion Board (HPB).  As such, we had arranged for an appointment today for Javier to check on his tooth.

Last year, when the dentist at Q&M told us that Javier's decayed molar tooth requires a root canal treatment, we had been procrastinating whether to put Javier through that.  So now, we wanted a 2nd opinion from another dentist.  After the visual checks as well as X-rays taken, the dentist said that the decay was quite bad and root canal may not help now.  Which means the only option is to extract it.  In fact, both the molar at each side had already decayed.  If we leave it there, the main worry is that it may affect the permanent tooth, which is already developing in his gum.

So we made an appointment 2 weeks later for the extraction on one side.  The dentist said if Javier cannot "cooperate" during the extraction, there are 2 options.  Either General Anesthesia (GA) or we hold his hand down and push through.  I am very wary about GA.  So I really hope that Javier is brave enough to get through it smoothly.

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