Growth Chart for My Little Ones

Sunday, January 31, 2016

4 Jan 2016 - First day of school in Rosyth

It's the first day of school today whereby Javier will embark on his primary school education while Jerlene will be a buddy of newcomers in Rosyth School.  We all got to wake up real early.  For the first 3 days, parents are allowed to be in school attending briefings as well as viewing their kids during recess time.
P1 students assembled at the Indoor Sports Hall (ISH) with parents seated behind them.
After a short briefing by the school principal, the students went to their respective classroom while parents stayed back for more briefings.
When it's about recess time, we went to a designated area in the canteen to view how our kids buy and eat their food with their buddy there to help.  There are 2 sessions of recess and it so happened that both Jerlene and Javier are in the same session.  I managed to capture some short moments of both Javier and Jerlene in the canteen.
After school, Javier proceeded to Knowledge Park, which is the student care within the school compound.  He will be there till evening, same for Jerlene.
At the end of the school, Javier said school was fun, which I am glad to hear.  Hopefully he will feel this way throughout his school life.  :-)

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