Growth Chart for My Little Ones

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

20-21 Aug 2016 - Pokemon hunting weekend

We decided to have a pokemon hunting weekend.  We heard that Hougang block 401 was a popular spot.  So after our lunch, we went there and take a look.  Though I have already heard so much about the crowd there, I was still a bit shock when I personally sees it.  We spent about an hour there and caught a lot of pokemons but mostly the common ones.
The next day, we changed our hunting ground to Changi Beach, which is another popular spot among pokemon trainers.  When I came to this beach previously, it was generally empty.  Today, I almost could not recognise the place because it was so crowded.  I must say this place is a much better hunting ground than Hougang as we managed to catch more uncommon ones.  Also, lots of Pikachu appears here.

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