Growth Chart for My Little Ones

Sunday, December 30, 2018

2 Dec 2018 - NZ Day 2: Beautiful Sunset and Night Hike in search of wild Possum

With such a beautiful scenery, it would be a waste not to have our dinner outdoor on the patio setup by Scott.  Though we were just having cup noodles and some chips, the quiet and serene surrounding coupled with the cool fresh air and a beautiful sunset, it beats having dinner in a posh restaurant.
It was about 8pm while we were having our dinner.  The view was simply stunning with the golden sky spreading across the horizon as the sun slowly descended behind the hills overlooking Tararu Bay.
The day had not ended.  At about 9pm, we went on a night hike with Scott's son, Spencer, in search for possum in the wild.  Each of us was holding a hiking stick and a light source as we walked down the hill.
It's total darkness out there so we had to walk slowly and be extra careful not to walk too close to the edge of the cliff.  While we were walking, we shone our light at the trees and our objective was to look out for reflective spots, which most likely were the eyes of possum.  Spencer found the first one shortly after we embarked on this hike.
As we walked further down the hill, Tracy found a second one with her sharp eyesight.  Good job!
At this point, Scott drove his car down from the property to pick us back up.  On the way, we drove past some trees where we could see glowworms!  So far, we had only seen glowworms in caves and this was our first time seeing them on trees.  This was a unique night adventure and we loved it!

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