Growth Chart for My Little Ones

Saturday, June 27, 2009

18 Jun 2009 - Jerlene "copy" Javier

Nowadays, whatever Javier has, Jerlene would want the same. And whatever Javier does, Jerlene will follow. For instance, when Jerlene sees Javier drink milk, she will ask for milk. When Javier changes diaper, Jerlene will also request for it. And when Javier goes to bed, she will try to sleep as well. That's why I got the chance to take the following series of photos........

Sad to say, Jerlene still sucks her thumb for comfort. Teachers at her childcare and myself have tried waning it off but with no success. Her thumb is swollen but she doesn't seem to feel pain. Sigh.....that's why now I let 弟弟 suck pacifier instead.

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