Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Sleepless Nights - 28 Feb 2007
Monday, February 26, 2007
Day visit to Infant Care Centres - 26 Feb 2007
Next, we went to Carpe Diem Infant Care centre located at Yishun. It occupies the entire 3rd floor of Yishun Polyclinic building. Similarly, the person-in-charge brought us around the place with explanation on each station. This place is much bigger than Cherie Hearts. But it has its pros and cons.
At about noon, we went home and Choz Confectionery had already delivered 22 boxes of full month tarts to our place. These are for our colleagues and frens. So after lunch, we headed to my office to distribute those tarts. Next we went to my wife office for the same. We did not bring Jerlene out today because we wanted to "train" my MIL to take care of Jerlene alone. Although we are a bit worried but we just have to try. After distributing all the tarts, we went to Bishan to catch a movie (Just Follow Law). It has been a long time since we last watched a movie.
We reached home that night at about 7:30pm and not surprisingly, the moment I opened the door, I can hear Jerlene crying. And she has been crying constantly till about 12 midnight. My guess is my MIL had been making her sleep throughout the day and now we have to handle her when she's wide awake......sigh...........
Shave or not to shave? - 25 Feb 2007
We were told that on baby's full month, we should shave off baby's hair. However, Jerlene has such a beautiful hair, how can we bear to shave that off? So what I did is I just shaved off a tiny bit of her hair. And I've kept those hair in one of her booklet.
Other that the shaving, nothing much happened today.
Jerlene's Full Month - 24 Feb 2007
Running out of baby wipes - 23 Feb 2007
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Jerlene SHIT on me AGAIN!
Daddy enjoys bathing Jerlene...and vice versa
3rd day of CNY - 20 Feb 2007
At about noon, we brought Jerlene out for a new year gathering with my wife's colleagues. My wife were playing blackjack with her colleagues while I took care of Jerlene. One thing we realize is that whenever we are out of our house, Jerlene tends to sleep more. At that time if she was to be at home, she will definitely throw tantrum. Also we notice that the noisier the environment, the better she can sleep soundly.
Jerlene started to sleep sideways
Monday, February 19, 2007
Jerlene's first dress on CNY - 18 Feb 2007
Today is Chinese New Year! With Jerlene around, this CNY will definitely not be as boring as the past. We had lunch at Five Star Kampong Chicken Rice stall along sembawang road. There is a 20 percent surcharge on the bill.
In the evening, we brought Jerlene to grandma's house. Everyone was so happy to see her. For the first time, grandma has finally promoted to great-grandma. In fact, everybody got promoted with Jerlene's arrival.
Today is also the first time that Jerlene is wearing a dress. Everyone said that she does not look like only 3 weeks old. Is that so?
Jerlene's first outing - 17 Feb 2007
For the very first time, we brought Jerlene out today. Early morning, we went to Chong Pang for breakfast. After that, we went to NTUC at Sun Plaza to do some last minute CNY goodies shopping. Throughout the outing, Jerlene was half asleep, which is good........
At around 1pm, we went to my parent's place for reunion lunch. We finally got some rest there because whenever Jerlene needs attention, there's sure to be someone who will volunteer. :)
Jerlene on my Bday - 15 Feb 2007
Can't stop making Jerlene my Model
A rewarding experience
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Jerlene's first Glamour Shot - 7 Feb 2007

On the 2nd day after Jerlene's birth in Mount Alvernia, Peter Pan Studio came to our ward to ask whether we want glamour shot for our newborn. Without much hesitation I said ok. I want every beautiful moment of her to be captured. So she pushed my girl away to wash and dress up. Within 30mins she's back. Today they delivered the photo to us. We will have another family shot free as part of the package.
My Poor Jerlene (30 Jan - 1 Feb 2007)
Jerlene is SOooooo CUTE
Ever since Jerlene is back home, I started taking lots of photos of her. Managed to capture her different posture and expression. Really fun.....
More photos can be viewed at her web album:
Home Sweet Home - 27 Jan 2007
Friday, February 16, 2007
The Arrival - 25 Jan 2007
0800 - My wife, Tracy, was admitted to MAH and went into Delivery Suite straightaway.