Growth Chart for My Little Ones

Sunday, June 28, 2020

28 Jun 2020 - Javier got his 100th YouTube Subscriber

About a month ago, Javier had set himself a target of achieving 100 subscribers for his Youtube channel.  Since then, he has been diligently posting at least one video a week.  His hard work has finally paid off today as he welcomed his 100th subscriber.  He was so happy and felt very motivated.  Well done and congratulation, Javier, for achieving this milestone!  So what is your next goal?  :-)

22 Jun 2020 - Installing Fire Board below our roof awning

We had installed a roof awning few years back but early this year, we received a letter from SCDF claiming that we did not submit our awning plan to them for approval.  We later realized that many other residents in the estate had received similar letters too.  We were all caught by surprise because most of us had gotten a Professional Engineer (PE) or Qualified Person (QP) to approve our plans before we erect the awning.  At that time, no one had advised us that we need to submit our plan to SCDF for their approval.  We even invited SCDF officers to come and clarify the matter.  According to SCDF, this has all along been a mandatory requirement under the Fire Safety Act.  Apparently, not many people are aware of this though.  One solution provided to us is that we need to install a 1 hour fire rated board below the awning.  Soon after, the government implemented the circuit breaker measures due to the Covid-19 situation and we had to delay our rectification works.
Now that the circuit breaker measures have been relaxed, we engaged a PE to assist us in submitting our plan to SCDF, and followed by getting a contractor to install the required fire board below our awning.  The work has been completed (see below) and we are now waiting for the inspection by SCDF before they issue us a Fire Safety Certificate.
For anyone who intends to erect an awning, do take note of this requirement by SCDF.

21 Jun 2020 - Father's Day (父亲节)

It's Father's Day today and we were glad that the circuit breaker measures have been slightly relaxed, which means my whole family was able to visit my parents for lunch.  Instead of going out for a meal as in the past, we ordered some food to their place and had lunch together.
I had also recorded a song for Father's Day and hereby wishing all Daddies, a Happy Father's Day!

14 Jun 2020 - Organizing a Scratch Competition

After participating in a Scratch competition recently, Javier (JJJwong) decided to organize one himself.  Initially I thought no one will be participating in this competition as I doubt he knows how to publicize it.  However, within two days, he had already received about 10 submissions.  It was only then that I realized he had actually advertised his competition on Scratch forum, reddit community as well as on his Youtube channel.
In fact, he has been helping the other "Scratchers" by answering their queries and providing advice.  Below is an example on reddit community where he tried to help out another user.

And following is his Youtube video publicizing his competition.

13 Jun 2020 - Ballet Practice with Zoom

As physical ballet class has not resumed, Jerlene continues with her ballet practice via Zoom meeting.  Though it's not ideal, that's the best it can be done for now.  Let's hope the situation can get better soon so that she can go back to the dance studio to have her proper lessons.

3 Jun 2020 - Early Moon Rise

The moon rose pretty early today.  Managed to capture it with my iPhone together with a binoculars.  Can even see the moon craters vaguely along the edge.
As there are lesser people commuting around nowadays, the air seems to be much cleaner and the atmosphere much clearer.  The little white dot in the following two photos is the moon above.

2 Jun 2020 - Back to School with Mask On

After staying home for more than a month, Jerlene and Javier returned to school today to start Term 3.  As circuit breaker measures are still being enforced, they got to wear a mask to school.  Also, they will be alternating between going to school and home-based learning on a weekly basis.  Hopefully they will be able to adapt to all these changes, which is necessary in view of current situation.

1 Jun 2020 - Blue Sky behind the Cloud

Today is the last day of school holiday, which was brought forward by a month this year due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.  Though the current situation is still "cloudy", I am sure we can get through it and become stronger when we recover.  Just like the clear blue sky behind the cloud below.  :-)