Rifle Range Nature Park is the next park where we ventured on a Sunday morning. Situated along Rifle Range Road to the south of Bukit Timah Nature Reserve, the park is 66 hectares and serves as a green buffer to protect Bukit Timah Nature Reserve from edge effects and abutting developments.
It is also Singapore’s first net positive energy nature park, with the energy harvested from the solar panels installed around the nature park exceeding the expected annual operational energy consumption of the site.There are many trails in the park. Our plan was to walk towards the quarry, but we took a wrong turn and ended up on the Rambai Boardwalk, which led us towards Beauty World.
We then made a U-Turn and went onto Gliders Boardwalk, which links the Visitor Pavilion to the Quarry Wetland.
Transformed from the former Sin Seng Quarry, the wetland makes full use of the existing terrain and provides habitats for wetland animals and migratory birds. From the quarry, we looked up and saw an observation deck on the cliff, which we decided to go have a look.
We then started hiking up Coluga Trail.Once we reached the Colugo Deck, we were rewarded with a panoramic view of the surroundings.
Coluga Deck is located 31 m above the Quarry Wetland.We spent about 15 mins admiring the views on the deck before walking back to the Visitor Pavilion to mark the end of our walk for today.
Though a bit crowded at certain parts of the park, overall it's still a nice walk. From the car park, we decided to drive along Rifle Range Road, thinking it will lead us to Macritchie according to the map, but we ended up in a dead-end. So we turned back towards PIE and drove to Shunfu market for an early lunch.