Growth Chart for My Little Ones

Thursday, April 30, 2009

23 Apr 2009 - Asking for milk like little bird

According to Tracy, Javier seems to be asking for milk all the time thoughout the day. She hardly has the time to rest and all she remembers is washing bottles, sterilizing bottles, making milk, feeding Javier and this cycle just goes on. This is a 3 hrs cycle. Out of this 3 hrs, Javier spends about 1 hr to finish his milk. So the remaining 2 hrs is meant for washing, sterilizing and some house work.

When Javier ask for milk, he will open up his mouth like little bird asking for food....very funny.
As days go by, I can really see the change in Javier's look. Personally, I think he is much good looking now..... :P

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