Growth Chart for My Little Ones

Sunday, April 26, 2009

14 Apr 2009 - Really lookalike

If you have followed my blog right from the beginning two years ago, you would have seen Jerlene's Peter Pan Studio photo. To be fair, we have also signed up for Javier. Today the photos were delivered to our house. I was working at that time and below were my teleconversation with Tracy.

Tracy: The Peter Pan photos for Javier have been delivered.
WWF: Oh really? How is it?
Tracy: Errr......I think it's a waste of money.
WWF: Huh? You mean not nice ah.......
Tracy: Not that, just that it looks exactly like Jerlene's photo two years back.

Below is a comparison.

There are many photos that really show their lookalike. Will post them up after I arranged my tenth of thousands of photo collection.


WaveSurfer said...

Wow they are indeed very identical! The photos look like a pair of twins taken on the same day~ ^^|

Christine and Xavier's Mummy said...

haiyo, like carbon copy!

Pauline said...

I was laughing sooo hard at tracy's comment!!! I can JUST imagine her saying it! They looked almost exactly alike!!!