Growth Chart for My Little Ones

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

3 Apr 2009 - Little prince is finally home!

Just like yesterday, after we sent Jerlene to the childcare, we went for breakfast while waiting for Dr Tan to call. Today he called much earlier and it was good news. Our little prince's jaundice level has gone down a bit (to 10.2) after undergoing phototherapy the past two days. In other words, we can discharge him today.

We quickly drove to the hospital to fetch our little prince home. Before we left the hospital, we have requested for the Sister to do a presentation at the hospital chapel. We did the same for Jerlene two years back.
After the presentation, I went to pick up my car while the Sister and Tracy slowly walk to the hospital entrance. Our little prince was ready to go home for the very first time.
Welcome home, my Little Prince!

For that afternoon, we placed him by the windows most of the time to give him some indoor sun tanning, which may help with his jaundice. Do note that although his jaundice level this morning was not high, it can get higher in the coming few days. Usually jaundice level will peak around the 7th day before it comes down. Today was only the 4th day so we must be prepared. Below are some pictures (out of the hundreds) that I've taken for my little prince.
After I'd washed up my little prince, it's time to go pick up my little princess. The moment we reached home and Jerlene saw her brother, she was extremely excited and kept saying "弟弟, 弟弟啊!". Let's hope Jerlene will love and care for her 弟弟 forever. Time to take some pictures of my two little angels. :-)


Kerry said...

Exciting that your little one is able to come home! We were lucky enough to come home right away but I was beside myself when a few days later they told me she had jaundice. Between the sleep deprivation and the constant feedings I was so run down. The doctor told me it was really important to track of her feedings and diapers so I was thrilled when I found Baby Insights which I used to keep track of everything. If you're interested you can read more about it at Hope your little one is all better soon!

pohheng said...

Great to know Javier's jaundice levels are coming down :)