Growth Chart for My Little Ones

Monday, March 31, 2014

18 Mar 2014 - Ice Museum

We bought a combo tickets that include both Trick Eye Museum as well as Ice Museum which is just next to it.
Everything in the museum is made of ice and since the museum maintains the temperature at -4C, you'll feel the chill the moment you enter the museum. Inside the Ice museum, you can enjoy a variety of ice sculptures under fun themes such as Rudolf slides, Santa Claus, Penguin, Igloo, Ice Castle, Vampire and others. You can also experience an Ice hotel, where there are ice bed, sofa, piano and even an ice toilet! There is also an ice slide for kids to play at a 10m height.
It's really freezing in the museum and we are not in winter wear.  However Jerlene and Javier were having so much fun sliding down the ice slide again and again and again...........

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