Just managed to upload a video of Jerlene playing in her new play yard.
It seems like photo 3 is still leading. Once again, I want to thank those who have voted. If you have not, do cast your vote on the left column. 2 more days till the voting ends. Thanks all.
COUNTDOWN: 5 more days to Hey Baby 2007 Contest!
Monday, October 29, 2007
Saturday, October 27, 2007
27 Oct 2007 - Jerlene's New Play Yard
Few weeks back I received a VPost newsletter that introduced a Disney Wallpaper promotion for the month of Oct 2007. The shop is at Ubi and I decided to go take a look. There are lots of very pretty and colourful design. We spent a while and finally decided on a Winnie the Pooh design. The wallpaper will cover one entire wall in Jerlene's playroom. The installation is on 9 Nov 07 and I'll post some pictures of it then.
After that, we went for our lunch at the nearby Singapore Post. There is also a shop that sells babies and toddlers stuffs. We bought a few clothes for Jerlene there. We left Singapore Post at about 2pm and next destination is my grandma's place. Jerlene was asleep when we reached there but as expected, she woke up within 15 mins. After our Sydney trip, we thought Jerlene's stranger anxiety has been "cured" but today, she seems to be back to her oldself. Sigh......guess we must re-train her again.......another overseas trip??? :-P
In the evening we went to Causeway Point thinking of buying a nice dress for Jerlene's next week baby contest. However, in the end, I did not buy any dress for her, I bought a Play Yard for her!!!!! Nowadays whenever I put her down on the bumper mat, she cannot stay there for long. She will start to crawl all over the place and there is high risk that she will knock herself. Sometimes when I went into the room for a while, Jerlene actually crawl all the way from living room to look for me. As such, I decided to buy the play yard so that she will be "safe" from hurting herself. Initially she dun really like it but after a while, she started to get used to it. I actually wanted to upload a few videos of Jerlene playing in the play yard but I have problem uploading the video to YouTube. Will try it another day. Here are some photos that I've taken.
25 Oct 2007 - Jerlene is 9 months old today
Time really flies and today is Jerlene's 9 months birthday. She has been my good girl so far and she seldom give me any trouble. In fact, I had a lot of pride when bringing her out during weekends. Almost every shops and restaurants that we went in, the salesperson or waiters/waitresses will most likely come over and play with Jerlene. Happy Birthday, Jerlene!
The voting of Jerlene's photos is still going on and so far, photo 2 and 3 are leading with photo 3 slightly edging out. For those who have not casted your vote, do cast one before the deadline which is 31 Oct 2007. As for those who has already casted your vote, thank you very much. Really appreciate it!!! :)
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
23 Oct 2007 - Best Photo!
I need to present one of Jerlene's recent photo during the Hey Baby 2007 contest. Have been looking through hundreds of Jerlene's photos and cannot decide on which is the best. As such, I decided to poll readers of this blog to help me choose the best photo that can really project Jerlene as the Most Adorable Baby! :-)
Below are 4 photos that I've shortlisted. I've created a Poll on the left where you can vote for the best photo. If you think you have seen better ones, do leave me a comment and let me know which one. Thanks.
Photo 1

Photo 2

Photo 3

Photo 4
Below are 4 photos that I've shortlisted. I've created a Poll on the left where you can vote for the best photo. If you think you have seen better ones, do leave me a comment and let me know which one. Thanks.
Photo 1
Photo 2
Photo 3
Photo 4
Sunday, October 21, 2007
21 Oct 2007 - Another great Sunday and Hey Baby 2007 registration
Jerlene woke up very early today. In fact for the past one week, she has been waking up much earlier than us. After she woke up, she will crawl towards us and sleep by our side. :-)
Anyway, we went for breakfast at a nearby 茶餐厅. We have been to this restaurant about 2-3 times and the waitresses there all recognize Jerlene. Every now and then, they will come over and play with Jerlene. After breakfast, we were still contemplating whether to go Mustafa or Suntec. The final decision is Suntec City.
So off we go. First we walked around the toy section (as usual) in Carrefour. We saw something which we would like to buy but before we commit on that, we decided to go Toy-R-Us and compare the price....hehe..... There were so many toys that interest Jerlene and we were not sure which to buy. In the end, we felt we need more time to consider. As we exit Toy-R-Us, we saw a counter setup outside with a banner saying "Hey Baby 2007". We walked towards it and realized it is a registration counter for a Baby Contest organized by Mediacorptv.

Without much hesitation, I registered Jerlene for the Most Adorable Baby Contest!!!! Just for the fun, anyway registration fee only $5. I think it was all fated because today is the last day of registration. If in the morning I decided to go Mustafa, or if I did not compare prices in Toy-R-Us, I would not have come across the counter. You are all welcome to come and support Jerlene at Suntec on 3 Nov 2007, about 11am, OK?
Before we leave Suntec, we bought half a dozen of donuts from the Donuts Factory, which was super popular recently. At about 4pm, we were home and it's swimming time. When Jerlene took her first step into the pool, she seems a bit nervous and uneasy. However, after about 5mins of getting used to the water, she was back to her wildness. She was having so much fun splashing water all over herself and me. This is another great Sunday! :-)
Anyway, we went for breakfast at a nearby 茶餐厅. We have been to this restaurant about 2-3 times and the waitresses there all recognize Jerlene. Every now and then, they will come over and play with Jerlene. After breakfast, we were still contemplating whether to go Mustafa or Suntec. The final decision is Suntec City.
So off we go. First we walked around the toy section (as usual) in Carrefour. We saw something which we would like to buy but before we commit on that, we decided to go Toy-R-Us and compare the price....hehe..... There were so many toys that interest Jerlene and we were not sure which to buy. In the end, we felt we need more time to consider. As we exit Toy-R-Us, we saw a counter setup outside with a banner saying "Hey Baby 2007". We walked towards it and realized it is a registration counter for a Baby Contest organized by Mediacorptv.

Without much hesitation, I registered Jerlene for the Most Adorable Baby Contest!!!! Just for the fun, anyway registration fee only $5. I think it was all fated because today is the last day of registration. If in the morning I decided to go Mustafa, or if I did not compare prices in Toy-R-Us, I would not have come across the counter. You are all welcome to come and support Jerlene at Suntec on 3 Nov 2007, about 11am, OK?
Before we leave Suntec, we bought half a dozen of donuts from the Donuts Factory, which was super popular recently. At about 4pm, we were home and it's swimming time. When Jerlene took her first step into the pool, she seems a bit nervous and uneasy. However, after about 5mins of getting used to the water, she was back to her wildness. She was having so much fun splashing water all over herself and me. This is another great Sunday! :-)
16 Oct 2007 - 傻妹 getting WILD!
I do not have to elaborate more. Watch this and you'll know what I mean..... :-)
Saturday, October 20, 2007
14 Oct 2007 - A new foam mattress and a great time in the pool
Today is Tracy's birthday and we went to Crystal Jade 小龙包restaurant (one of Tracy's favourite) for lunch. After lunch, we met up with my sisters and parent who were also shopping in Marina Square. We spent quite a while in Kiddy Palace before splitting to do our own shopping.
We walked into minitoon and saw a foam mattress which we have been contemplating to buy for quite a while. Finally I made the decision to buy today. There was a 15% discount, a free lifetime membership card and a free medium size Stitch soft toy. The mattress cost $110 after discount. Here's the pictures of the "Pooh" mattress and Stitch.

After that, we walked back to Suntec and wanted to put the stuff into my car before carry on with our shopping. On the way, we saw at least 4 fire engines speeding towards Suntec and seems like having some emergency incident. I still joked with Tracy saying scarly the carpark got burned down and our car will turn into waste metal. As we approached the carpark, there was a strong smokey smell. And the aircon seems to have turned off. The elevator and escalator leading down to the carpark was also stopped. So I took the stairs down to basement one but basement two, where I parked my car, was closed!!!! There was a foodcourt worker fainted in basement one and medical officer was attending to her. I've never been so accurate in my prediction. But is my car really gone??? Of course not lar........ After about 20mins, they re-open basement two.
I put the stuff into my car and we continue to shop around. We had a coffee break at Gloria Jeans before heading home for a swim. It has been a while since I brought Jerlene down to the pool. I still remembered the last time, she was still a bit nervous when got into the water and dun really dare to move. However, she was having so much fun in the water today. She kept splashing water as though she was in her bathtub during shower. We has about 20mins of fun time in the pool before going home for a shower. Will be bringing Jerlene to the pool more often from now on.....
We walked into minitoon and saw a foam mattress which we have been contemplating to buy for quite a while. Finally I made the decision to buy today. There was a 15% discount, a free lifetime membership card and a free medium size Stitch soft toy. The mattress cost $110 after discount. Here's the pictures of the "Pooh" mattress and Stitch.
After that, we walked back to Suntec and wanted to put the stuff into my car before carry on with our shopping. On the way, we saw at least 4 fire engines speeding towards Suntec and seems like having some emergency incident. I still joked with Tracy saying scarly the carpark got burned down and our car will turn into waste metal. As we approached the carpark, there was a strong smokey smell. And the aircon seems to have turned off. The elevator and escalator leading down to the carpark was also stopped. So I took the stairs down to basement one but basement two, where I parked my car, was closed!!!! There was a foodcourt worker fainted in basement one and medical officer was attending to her. I've never been so accurate in my prediction. But is my car really gone??? Of course not lar........ After about 20mins, they re-open basement two.
I put the stuff into my car and we continue to shop around. We had a coffee break at Gloria Jeans before heading home for a swim. It has been a while since I brought Jerlene down to the pool. I still remembered the last time, she was still a bit nervous when got into the water and dun really dare to move. However, she was having so much fun in the water today. She kept splashing water as though she was in her bathtub during shower. We has about 20mins of fun time in the pool before going home for a shower. Will be bringing Jerlene to the pool more often from now on.....
13 Oct 2007 - What a forgetful parents
We planned to bring Jerlene to my grandme's place today. We prepared all her usual stuff and off we go. Guess what, when we were on the way, Tracy suddenly shouted:"Oh shit, I left the milk powder and bottles carrier on our dining table!!!!". As it's about time to feed Jerlene, we had no choice but to drive to a nearby NTUC and bought a jugged baby food. Sigh......how can we be so forgetful. Luckily Jerlene enjoys those baby food. :-)
9 Oct 2007 - Jerlene's thumb hurts but my heart hurts more
Jerlene has been sucking on her thumb so much nowadays that it has turned swollen. Not only that, the skin around the thumb has cracked. I felt so pain for her but she does not seem to feel any pain and kept on sucking. At first, we tried letting her wear a mitten but she kept pulling it off. So no choice, we wrapped a plaster around her thumb to prevent her skin from cracking further.
And guess what, she continued to suck on the plaster. My MIL said Jerlene not just bit off the plaster from her thumb, she even tried to swallow it and in the end got herself choked. We were shocked when we heard that. Sigh......Jerlene, your thumb really so tasty meh? Can daddy try? Heheh........
6 Oct 2007 - Marcus 1st month
Today is my younger sis baby, Marcus, 1st month birthday and we brought Jerlene to her place. Previously when Jerlene was approached by people whom she seldom see, she will feel uneasy and may start crying. However, ever since she went to Sydney and back, she no longer has that stranger anxiety anymore. In fact, she allowed my mom to carry her this time and not crying. Perhaps, 见过世面的baby就是不一样.
My elder sis and her family were there as well. We were having a great time and Jerlene was getting wild. Everyone said babies at this age is the most fun. Let's hope it can stay this way for a long long time.
After we had our dinner, I went over to see Marcus who was resting in his playpen. Suddenly he started crying and I carried him up. It has been a while since I last carried a baby who is so small and "fragile". However, it has never been a difficult task for me. Remember the paternal instinct that I have......... Anyway, after carrying him for about 10mins, he slept in my arms. I then put him down into his playpen and he continued to sleep for the rest of my time there. I was told that putting Marcus down is always a challenge as he usually cries when put down. Hehe.....guess my baby handling skill is still highly rated.
My elder sis and her family were there as well. We were having a great time and Jerlene was getting wild. Everyone said babies at this age is the most fun. Let's hope it can stay this way for a long long time.
After we had our dinner, I went over to see Marcus who was resting in his playpen. Suddenly he started crying and I carried him up. It has been a while since I last carried a baby who is so small and "fragile". However, it has never been a difficult task for me. Remember the paternal instinct that I have......... Anyway, after carrying him for about 10mins, he slept in my arms. I then put him down into his playpen and he continued to sleep for the rest of my time there. I was told that putting Marcus down is always a challenge as he usually cries when put down. Hehe.....guess my baby handling skill is still highly rated.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
5 Oct 2007 - Bye Bye to Sydney
One week had passed and it's now time to say goodbye to Sydney. We had a great time in Sydney, especially with Jerlene around. Without her, this one week will not be as enjoyable. We took a few pictures of the surrounding area around Pauline's place.
Before we left the place, Jerlene was having fun on the carpeted floor.
At about noon, we took an airport shuttle to the airport. Jerlene seemed to hate airport because when we reached there, she was asleep. Same thing happened when we were at Changi Airport one week ago. After walking around the shops for a while, we were ready to board the plane. As this is a day flight, Jerlene did not sleep through the journey. She was enjoying herself during the flight until the plane started to descend nearing Singapore.......
It seemed like she got ear pressure and she was feeling very uncomfortable. I can really see her struggling and trying very hard to go into sleep. Aiyoh, we saw her keep crying really so heart pain. When she finally managed to sleep, we were relieved. Shortly after, we landed in Singapore and home sweet home. When we reached home, Jerlene fell asleep very soon.
4 Oct 2007 - Trip to Watson's Bay and last day to shop
Once again, we bought daytripper tickets today and our first destination is to Watson's Bay. Just as yesterday, we took the ferry from Circular Quay. The ferry ride is about 20mins and we had a view of Opera House from another angle.
Watson's Bay is famous for its fish and chips. So the moment we disembarked, we went straight to Doyles Fish and Chips, which was just at the end of jetty. From the restaurant, we had a good view of the beach.
After lunch, we went to the other side of this island where we had a superb view of the ocean and cliff. I did not expect to see such scenery on this island. One side are the wharf and beach while the other side are cliff and ocean.
We spent close to two hours on this island before heading back to Circular Quay. And guess what, we decided to take the ferry back to Birkenhead to continue our unfinished shopping. Today is Thursday and it is their late night shopping. In other words, we will have more time to shop. We bought a few more dresses and blouses for Jerlene. We need to catch the last ferry so I did not have time to shop for myself. Nevermind, we always enjoy buying stuffs for Jerlene.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
3 Oct 2007 - Jerlene accomplished Land, Air and Sea feat
Our main aim today is to help Jerlene achieve a feat that not many 8 months old baby can. So far, Jerlene has travelled on land and in the air. And today, she will go onto the sea! Yes, we are going to hop onto a ferry and go to several places on water. After today, Jerlene has officially accomplished the feat of experiencing land, air and sea (海, 陆, 空) travel.
We started the day by purchasing daytripper tickets that allow us to travel by train, bus and ferry within Sydney vicinity. We took the train to Circular Quay where the wharf for ferry embarkation is. The moment we stepped onto the floating platform of the wharf, Tracy began to feel a bit giddy (sea sick kind of feeling). Jerlene seemed ok. She's so steady compared to her Mommy.....hehe.......
Our first destination is Luna Park, which is an amusement park just minutes away by ferry ride. When we reached the jetty, somehow we kept assuming everybody will disembark. However, I suddenly realized that those who did not alight are going to other destination. Tracy and I quickly grabbed our stuff and got out of the ferry just in time.......
At the entrance of Luna Park, we had a great view of harbour bridge with Opera House in the background. Jerlene got excited the moment she saw the big head of Luna at the entrance.
Actually Luna Park is way below our expectation. To me, it is just a normal amusement park with simple rides and games stalls. And it is quite small in terms of area. Worst thing is, today is a super hot day. Weather forecast said it was 32 degree celcius. As such, we did not stay there for long. We only spent about half an hour in the park (Free Entry).
We headed back to Circular Quay and took another ferry to Birkenhead, which we saw on some brochure that it has a factory outlet. Everyday, there are only two ferry timings to Birkenhead. One is at 9am and the other is at 3:21pm. By the time we reached there, it was already close to 4pm. And guess what, the shops close at 5pm today. That means we only have about one hour to shop. Not surprisingly, we only bought a few items (mainly for Jerlene of cos) before going back to the jetty to catch the ferry back. We did not manage to walk into more than half of the shops there. We tell ourselves, WE WILL BE BACK!!!! :-)

On our ferry back, I managed to capture the sunset. And by the time we reached the harbour bridge, it was already quite dark. We then took another ferry to Darling Harbour, walked to a nearby Japanese food outlet for dinner before heading back to EdgeCliff.
Friday, October 12, 2007
2 Oct 2007 - Sydney Wildlife World
Jerlene woke up pretty early today. Probably she knows we are going to have another great day ahead. Our main highlight for today is Sydney Wildlife World, which is just beside Sydney Aquarium, at Darling Harbour. We took a train from EdgeCliff and alighted at Town Hall in City Centre. From there, we took a short walk to Darling Harbour.
It was about lunch time when we reached there and so we decided to have our lunch before going into the Wildlife World. Jerlene was sleeping while we were eating and it is good so that when we entered Wildlife World, she will be awake and able to see the animals.
As we bought combo tickets (Wildlife World and Aquarium at 20% discount) the other day, we did not have to queue for the entrance ticket this time. Jerlene was wide awake by this time and she seems to be very excited. When she saw the lizard, I thought she will be frightened but instead, she wanted to touch it. The lizard looks larger in size than Jerlene.
Jerlene seems to be able to communicate with reptiles. When we came to an enclosure with Blue-tongue Skunk, I put Jerlene in front of the glass panel and the skunk started to come towards Jerlene. She then tried to feel it by touching the glass and the skunk seemed to reciprocate by leaning its face against the glass where Jerlene's hand was.
This is the first time I saw a reptile do that. I thought normally such reactions will only come from mammals such as dogs and cats. Reptiles to me is emotionless and motionless most of the time.
Next we came to the Koala enclosure. The Koalas are very cute and Jerlene tried to be one too.
In the same enclosure are the wallabies. Jerlene was so excited and she kept wanting to stand by herself.
We spent about 2-3 hours in Wildlife World and walked around Darling Harbour for the rest of the afternoon. That evening, we walked back to City Centre to find a place and have our dinner. The weather in Sydney really changed very fast. The entire afternoon is so damn warm. And as night falls, the temperature drops quite drastically and when the wind blows, it can be quite cold.
We took our dinner at the foodcourt in Sydney Plaza and returned to EdgeCliff after that.
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