Growth Chart for My Little Ones

Friday, April 25, 2008

14 Apr 2008 - Swimming Vest

Since Jerlene loves playing in the pool so much, I've bought a swimming vest for her recently. However, as it has been raining for the past few weekends, Jerlene has not got the chance to wear it in the pool yet. Having said that, every now and then, she will ask me to help her put it on in our house. And she enjoys wearing the swimvest and walk round the house. Sometimes she tried to put it on by herself but of course, it always fails so far (at most one hand in....).

Btw, look at Jerlene's hand gesture in the above picture, that's her way of saying "GOOD"! Not sure where she learns that from but I've encountered other babies also doing the same gesture instead of pointing their thumbs up. Anyway, it doesn't matter to me at the moment and I'm glad that she can now use different hand and body gestures to express herself, which is great. :-)

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