I mentioned in one of my previous posts that Tracy had brought Jerlene down to the park last week and they were having lots of fun. I missed that moment because I was working then. Today I cannot miss the chance anymore and brought Jerlene down to the park again. Jerlene was enjoying so much that she simply cannot stop, especially on the slide.
It was pretty hot so after playing for about 45mins, we decided to go back home. Of course Jerlene was very unwilling and I had to coax her. I actually told a white lie saying that I'll bring her for a swim later. I thought she would have forgotten by the time we reached home. However, I was wrong and the moment we stepped into our house, she immediately took out the float and passed it to me. I cannot bring her for a swim as she was still coughing. As such, I had to think of other things to distract her, like playing Wii! From now onwards, I cannot tell white lies to Jerlene anymore......she WILL remember!!!!
After the tiring fun time at the park, Jerlene felt asleep very soon.