Every night, we will bring Javier back into his cot at about 10:30pm where he will sleep through the night till next morning at about 7-8am. When we place him in his cot, he is in a proper position. However when we wake up the next morning, he is always in a horizontal position where one of his leg will stick out of the cot. It has been the same for the past 2 weeks. Sometimes when we woke up in the middle of the night, he has already turned. Is that position more comfortable? Only he knows I guess.......
Jerlene was having cough recently and I have been giving her cough mixture. So every night, she would imitate how I feed her with a syringe by doing the same to her little Mousey. However there is one big difference! I do not curl up my mouth like she did in the following video....definitely no! She invented that herself......... :-P
Javier was in a very good mood today and kept smiling while sitting in the bumbo seat. I quickly took out the camera and snapped non stop. Here are some of the photos showing his smile and there is a video as well. Keep smiling Javier! :)
We have been procrastinating on buying a Band Set for quite sometimes. Finally, we made a decision to get it today. I've called many shops but most of them said they have run out of stock. The title of the game is Guitar Hero World Tour, which consists of a drum set, a guitar and a microphone. Eventually, we found a shop at Causeway Point which still have one piece in stock. We immediately went down to bring it back home. :-)
Jerlene was excited the moment she saw the game box. After I set it up, she owns the drum immediately. I had a hard time trying to persuade her to take a shower as it was quite late already. She finally agreed but the moment I finished bathing her, she rushed out with her sarong and joined in the band as a singer. Btw, since few weeks back, she always wants us to wrap her around with her towel after bath and runs around the house to show off her sarong. Haha.......so cute......
Today, I captured another series of photos and videos of Jerlene and Javier. This time round, other than trying to carry and pat Javier, Jerlene tried to put a pacifier into 弟弟's mouth. She also tried to button 弟弟's clothes. Very heartening to see that. When Jerlene was carrying Javier, then I realized Javier has really grown a lot. Notice the little soft toy beside Javier in the picture above? That's Mousey, Jerlene's dear friend whom she brings to school everyday. Below is a video of Jerlene trying to put a pacifier into Javier's mouth.
Javier has a baby gym whereby there is a movable Elmo who will sing, dance and play peek-a-boo with him. Today I was told that Javier started to get frustrated whenever he sees the Elmo. And guess what is the reason? Initially Javier enjoyed watching the Elmo sing and dance, but one day due to battery running out, the Elmo stopped moving every now and then. And everytime Elmo stopped singing and moving, Javier started to scream and shout. Even after we changed the battery, he is still frowning when he sees the Elmo. Sigh.....so 小汽.
Jerlene loves to play Wii now. In the past, she kept saying that she doesn't know how to play and will just sit quietly beside watching us play. However now, she will own one of the controllers and refuse to give it up. We can hardly play 2 players game now because Jerlene will be holding onto one controller.
What surprises me is that she even knows which games require nunchuk and which games doesn't. Below is a short clip of Jerlene playing Wii tennis.
Would like to take a checkpoint of my little angels' development. Javier has been gaining weight consistently and is close to 7kg at 3.5months. At this rate, he may grow bigger and heavier than his 姐姐 very soon. Jerlene is currently about 10.8kg and she is now 2.5years old.
Javier talks a lot when he's in the mood. However, he's still quite stingy with his smile. So far, I only took very few photos of him smiling. As for Jerlene, there are plenty of smiley faces since birth. Jerlene's vocabulary and grammar have improved tremendously over the past few months. Every now and then, she will surprise us with some words which we never expect her to know. Somemore, she communicates with proper sentences most of the time. Also, she now knows the names of the entire family, though she kept calling me "Ah Fatt".
Jerlene can sing quite a few complete songs now. And most of them comes with some form of dance moves. As for Javier, he can only listen and watch his 姐姐 perform. Ok, let's mark this a checkpoint and will take another one in a few months time.
We brought Jerlene and Javier to the zoo today. It was Javier's first trip to the zoo and Jerlene's second. We reached there before 11am and the car park was quite empty. We had free admission as Tracy got a corporate pass. The zoo looks a bit different from the last time we came. This is the zoo map as of today. Here are some of the animals that we saw on that day. Throughout the day, Jerlene kept wanting me to carry her. I was dead tired by the end of the trip. As for Javier, he was sleeping most of the time. It was surprising because the weather was pretty hot. At lunch time, we took a rest at a canteen and Jerlene had more fun playing with my handphone. Instead of the canteen, we had lunch at KFC inside the newly open Rainforest Kidzworld. The water play there looks fun but it was too crowded. Although Jerlene seems interested to enter the water play, I promised her that I will bring her back to play on a weekday when the place is not so packed.
We were all very tired by 4pm and were dragging our legs. As such, we decided to head for the exit and go for some cold dessert. Below are some pictures taken during the trip.
Every night I would try to spend sometime to play with Jerlene and tonight, we played police and thief. I played the police and she played the thief....haha...... We pretend we are in a gun fight and gun shots fly all over the place. But finally, I "bang bang" and Jerlene fell........ Here are two clips showing how Jerlene pretended to be shot...... hehe........ Of course, she will revive everytime. :-)
Ever since I bought the swing about 2 years back for Jerlene, she hardly uses it. I thought it's going to be a waste but recently, Javier started uses it and it was great. We could leave Javier on the swing alone for close to an hour without him crying. Sometimes, he even fell asleep on it. In the whole, the swing is still a good investment. Btw, I still think Javier's hair very stylo....... :)
All the while, whenever Jerlene sees a mini ride, she will want to get onto it. However, that is only when the ride is stationery. Today, Jerlene again insisted to get onto a ride. After I carried her into the ride, she saw the coin slot and asked for a coin. I bet she did not know when will happen when she slot in the coin. If she did, she wouldn't have asked for it. So I gave her one coin and she tried to slot it in. The moment the ride started to move, she started screaming and shouting:"I don't want I don't want.....". After the ride come to a stop, she still looked very tense. I thought most kids love such ride and I do not know why Jerlene only likes it when it's not moving..... :)
The theme for the month of Jun 09 is Technology in Jerlene's childcare centre. So they created things like robots, TV etc...... And below are some of the artwork done by Jerlene in childcare, with the help from the teacher most likely.