Growth Chart for My Little Ones

Saturday, December 26, 2009

11 Dec 2009 - Javier managed to stand with support

Javier has been trying very hard to stand up for the past one month. Finally he managed to stand up all by himself today. He did it by holding onto the wooden bar of his bed and pulling himself up. In terms of such motor skills, he's much slower than his 姐姐. I remembered Jerlene could stand up by herself at month 7.

In the afternoon, we drove into Malaysia for some shopping. Originally, I intended to change my car tyres there but after checking the price, it's actually not much cheaper than in Singapore. We drove to Tebrau City where there are several huge mall. Jusco is huge but the price of items is not as attractive as the next door Tesco. By the time we left, it was almost 10pm.

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