We embarked on our journey to Port Dickson today. As this is the weekend prior to the one week school holiday, in order to avoid the traffic jam at the custom, we set off very early in the morning. We left home at about 5:45am and met up with our travelling groups at Raffles Marina Country Club (Tuas) at about 6:15am. We were the last to reach the meeting point, thanks to my two sleeping beauties........
Even though it's so early, there was still slight jam of about 20mins at the Malaysian custom on the Tuas link. I can imagine how bad the jam will be if we set off later. After clearing the custom, we met up at Gelang Patah R&R for a short break. We then proceed to Machap R&R for our breakfast. My two angels finally woke up when we reached there. Next to the kopi shop was a small playground and the kids were all having a great fun.

Our next break was at Pagoh R&R and that was our last break point before we arrived at Port Dickson.

We reached Port Dickson town at around noon. So before heading to our accommodation, we had our lunch at a recommended restaurant. Initially, our GPS led us to their factory and after asking the staff, we finally found the restaurant round the corner. It's called Lucky Kings Bun Restaurant.

This restaurant is famous for its curry wrapped in a big bun. It's similar to the 933 golden pillow curry in Singapore, except taste slightly better. We ordered other usual Chinese dishes, especially for the kids.
After lunch, we made our way to our accommodation, Lexis Port Dickson.
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