Growth Chart for My Little Ones

Sunday, January 26, 2014

3 Jan 2014 - School briefing for parents

During the first 3 days of school, parents are invited to the school hall for some briefing sessions.  Before the briefing, there were performances by the various CCA groups.  The performance from the Wushu team looks pretty impressive.  After that, all P1 students left the hall to their respective classes while parents stayed there for the briefings.
Most of the students looked calm.  It was unlike my time when almost half of the class were crying for the first few days.  I guess one main reason is that nowadays, most children go to childcare and they are already used to this kind of environment.
The briefing was first given by the principal, followed by vice-principal and various Head of Department.  From the sessions, it seems like P1 education should not have too much stress for the children.  There is no exam for P1 but there will be assessment though.  The principal assured parents that P1 students will not be given tons of homework.  She also discouraged parents from sending children to all sorts of external tuition.  She's confident that her teachers are able to cover any academic needs for the children.  I'm glad to hear that as I fully agree that children should not be given too much stress at such a young age.  And during weekends and school holidays, children should be given ample time to enjoy themselves instead of sending them to tuition after tuition.  So Jerlene, hope you will enjoy your school days!  :-)

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