Growth Chart for My Little Ones

Sunday, February 25, 2018

18 Feb 2018 - CNY Lion Dance + Birthday Celebration

It's the time of the year again when our family and relatives gathered at my sister's place for the Chinese New Year Lion Dance.  When the Lion Dance troupe came, one of my nephews immediately went to look for the God of Fortune (财神爷), who came with the troupe in the past few years.  However, he came back telling us:"财神爷 never come today, he's not doing well"!!!!  We all had a good laugh.....hahah......  It makes a lot of difference between not feeling well and not doing well, especially so for 财神爷
As usual, below is the formation of the oranges and vegetables before the lion dance performance.
 And here is what everyone is waiting for after the performance, the 4D number!
One thing special about this year's lion dance gathering is that today is also my mom's birthday.  We had a celebration after dinner.

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