Growth Chart for My Little Ones

Saturday, March 1, 2008

1 Mar 2008 - Poor Jerlene knocked on her face

After gaining mobility, Jerlene is now more prone to "accident". And it happened this morning when she was knocked on her face by the leg of a chair. You may have known from a few past blogs that she loves treating chairs like walkers. The moment, she sees a chair, she will hold onto it and push all around the house. I'm sure one day I will get complaints from my neighbour downstair for making too much noise on their ceiling.... :-) Anyway, she was happily pushing the chair when suddenly, the chair toppled and she fell together with the chair. It's actually quite fortunate that the leg of the chair did not hit her eyes. But even so, I'm so heart pain when I see the bruises on her face. Jerlene cried after the fall but very soon, she seems to have forgotten about it. She still can laugh at me when I tried to rub her bruises. I guess it's always the parents who feel more pain whenever such "incident" happens........
Can you see the bruises on Jerlene's face? It's more obvious when you see her in person. However, a kid's recovery is really fast. She fell in the morning and by night time, her bruises have already faded by more than 50%.

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