Growth Chart for My Little Ones

Saturday, March 22, 2008

21 Mar 2008 - Jerlene walked non-stop at Expo

Today is Good Friday. There is a 3-days Mother and Baby Fair at Expo starting today. We went there in the afternoon and the whole place was packed with cars and people. Probably because there were quite a few events (Baby Fair, Book Sale and some Christianity talk) happening at the same time. There was a Baby Idol contest at the Baby show. In the chubbiest cheek contest, there was this baby who is 5 months old and weighs 11kg!!!!! My goodness, Jerlene is only about 8.2kg now and she's almost 14 months old.

We did not buy anything from the Baby Fair because it was either very long queue or those items that we want have run out of stock. We left the place after about 40mins and went to another part of Expo that is not so crowded. When we reached a big open space, Jerlene just walk and walk by herself non-stop. She enjoyed her walk very much and refused to let me carry her. When I tried to hold her hand, she actually squat down and refuse to leave the place. So we have no choice but to let her walk around the entire place, and make friends with people. There were a few couples sitting at a nearby coffee bean outlet. Jerlene walked towards them, stood in front of them, waved and smiled at them. That is how Jerlene makes friends. :-)

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