Growth Chart for My Little Ones

Sunday, March 23, 2008

23 Mar 2008 - Bottle Tree Park (am) / Pool Play (pm)

After breakfast, we brought Jerlene to Bottle Tree Park for a walk. As Jerlene woke up super early today (around 6:30am), by the time we reached there, she was actually quite tired and sleepy. However, Jerlene would not want to sleep whenever there is opportunity to play. She will force herself to stay awake and play till she is physically exhausted. This is exactly what happened this morning. Initially, she was still having lots of fun walking around the park but after sometimes, she started to walk wobbily and almost fell. And that is when we decided to head home to catch some rest.
When we reached home, not sure what gave Jerlene the energy whereby she became very active again and refused to go to sleep. We tried to force her to sleep but she kept struggling to get out of bed and play. Sigh.......come to think of it, maybe this is the reason why Jerlene is so small in size. How to grow when she always use up all her energy playing??? She finally fell asleep at about 2pm.
Jerlene woke up about an hour later and it's time to play again. We decided to bring her down to the playground to see if she enjoys it. She does not seem to be very happy at the playground and kept looking over to the pool. As such, we brought her up and change into her "bikini". Yes, it's pool time again. She really really loves water play and whenever she's in the pool, I will have a hard time to ask her to leave. After about half an hour in the pool, I carried Jerlene out of the pool and wrapped her with her robe. She kept struggling and pushed me back to the pool. So I decided to let her play in the pool for another 5mins. She went wild again and after 5mins, I tried not to be soft-hearted anymore and forced her out of the pool. We had a great time once again and I'll try to bring her to the pool whenever possible. :-)

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