Wednesday, September 26, 2007
26 Sep 2007 - Looking for Papa and Mama
Tracy got a farewell dinner tonight with her colleagues and as such, I went to pick up Jerlene myself. When we reached home, as usual, we had quite a lot of fun playing "hide and seek". After playing for quite a while, Jerlene started to become very grouchy. I suspected that it's because she's hungry and Tracy confirmed that with me after calling my MIL. As I cannot leave her alone on our bed, I brought her into her playroom and hopefully she will be distracted there. Initially it was ok and she was quietly playing with her toy. Then suddenly while I was halfway making her milk, I heard her crying. I quickly finished up with the milk and rushed into her playroom. She was actually crawling out of her "castle" door looking for me. This is the first time I saw her crawling out of her castle....previously she'll just cry inside her castle whenever she gets bored.
Btw, this will be my last post before we fly off to Sydney tomorrow night. I am sure I'll have more interesting contents and pictures to share with all of you when I return in a week's time.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
25 Sep 2007 - Jerlene is 8 months old today
Time flies and today is Jerlene's 8 months old birthday. Over the past 8 months, Jerlene has brought to me a lot of joy. Seeing her growing day by day is really satisfying. Ever since her birth, I've tried my best to be a good daddy. Although I did not have any experience in handling babies in the past, somehow I felt that I have the necessary paternal instinct to do a good job. During Tracy's maternity leave, I've been the main person taking care of Jerlene's everyday needs, which includes changing her diapers, bathing, feeding and burping her etc etc. Nowadays, I've come across so many young parents who rely so much on their parents or maid to handle babies, especially during the first few months when the babies are so "fragile". This is something which I do not understand because I always thought all these things will come naturally and when it's time to do it, one will know what to do. Maybe not everyone has such maternal or paternal instinct to handle babies. Sometimes I really think to myself, maybe I can excel in setting an infantcare centre than to do what I'm doing today, IT!!!!!
Anyway, hope Jerlene can appreciate what I've done for her and she's always my prettiest princess. Happy 8th month birthday, Jerlene!!! You may make a wish now......hehe......
23 Sep 2007 - My Pretty Miss Jerlene
In our coming Aussie trip, we will be attending our friend's wedding. As such, I decided to buy Jerlene a nice dress for the wedding ceremony. We went to Kiddy Palace in Causeway Point and the dresses there are mostly for toddlers, very few are for infants. However, we managed to find a few that look quite good. After I decided on which dress to buy, I went over to the shoe section and bought a matching shoe for Jerlene as well.
So now, let's welcome my little princess, Miss Jerlene!!!!!!

Personally, I find the above pictures of Jerlene really look like a doll. What do you think? :-)
So now, let's welcome my little princess, Miss Jerlene!!!!!!
Sunday, September 23, 2007
22 Sep 2007 - Jerlene wears her first shoe
We bought Jerlene her first pair of shoes last week but only today we decided to let her wear.
My sister's baby boy is already discharged from hospital few days back. So we decided to go my sis place and see the baby boy. When we reached there, my grandma and aunties were also there. Jerlene fell asleep during the car trip and continue to sleep in my sis place for about an hour. The moment she woke up, she started to show her "standing stunts". Her best move is to simply push towards the side of a playpen and up she went in a standing position. Everyone is amazed by her advanced skills.
Although Jerlene is fast in picking up advanced skills, she is sometimes very lazy. One example is she refuse to hold her own bottle during milk feeding. Although she can but she simply dun want. Maybe it is my fault lor.....pamper her too much liao........ See below how she position herself. Like 大老板 (big boss) waiting to be served by daddy hor........
21 Sep 2007 - Stand without support.....for 5 secs
As you can see from the title, Jerlene achieved standing without support for about 5 secs. This is probably attributed to her hardwork over the past few weeks. Every night without fail, she will pull herself up in her cot and stand for more than 15 mins. When she fall back on her buttock, she will quickly pull herself up again. And she just keep trying and trying, I must say she's really persistent. And just about few days back, she started trying to let go both her hands on the support. Initially she will fall immediately after letting go. Slowly she can achieve 2-3 secs. Tonight is the longest record so far, at least 5 secs. Oh yah, she also did something unexpectedly last night. That is, she suddenly stand up without the help of any support. Although her stand only last for abt 2secs, but we are amazed by her will to stand up. However, since then, she had never done that again. I believe she shld be able to stand in no time. I managed to capture her standing without support below. Want to know how I did it? is my everyday toy.
19 Sep 2007 - Sitting on Baby Chair
When we had our meals outside nowadays, we no longer have to leave Jerlene in her stroller. She will sit on a baby chair and eat with us, she'll eat her own food of course. She loves hitting the table and I felt the pain because she really hit the table very very hard. Her palm will become quite red after a while but she just won't stop. In fact, she will get more and more excited and starts to hit harder and harder. Aiyoh, pain pain ar Jerlene......dun do it anymore ok, daddy buy you a drum......soft one hor.......
18 Sep 2007 - Jerlene's new cushion
Although I have placed foam mat that covers almost the entire floor of Jerlene's playroom, it can still be quite hard for her. Sometimes she'll just fall on her back thinking that she's on our bed. When her head hit the mat *bong*, she'll start crying. It's quite painful and all I can do is to quickly hug and console her lor. Guess I must start to teach her there is a difference between siiting on her bed and on the foam mat. But before she learns the difference, I bought a cushion and placed on the mat just in case. More smiley face from Jerlene on the mat. :)
17 Sep 2007 - Find me if you can!!!
These few nights before Jerlene sleeps, she loves to play with her blanket. She will grab her blanket and swing it violently. Otherwise she will use it to cover herself up. She seems to be having lots of fun with it and of course I will play along with her. And we started playing a game called "Find me if you can!" (see below). Hehe........

Saturday, September 15, 2007
16 Sep 2007 - My sister's baby boy
My sister delivered a baby boy (Marcus) last Sunday. I actually wanted to visit her today but Marcus is now under phototheraphy for Jaundice in Mt Alvernia. Jerlene went through that previously as well. Wonder why nowadays so many babies got Jaundice, especially in Asia according to some reports. Not sure whether is it because of the diet of pregnant mother. One reason that the doctor told us previously is due to imcompatible blood group between mother and baby. In such cases, it is recommended to temporarily stop breastfeeding for a while. There is a cycle for Jaundice and it normally peaks at the 7th day after birth. Many old folks always asked the young parents to bring the baby out for sun tanning but this is not recommended. The sun ray can easily burn the baby's delicate skin. According to doctors, just place the baby near the window indoor will do. Marcus also has quite a lot of hairs although Jerlene has more..........
15 Sep 2007 - Preparation for Aussie trip
In two weeks time, we will be travelling to Sydney for a one week break. This will be Jerlene's first overseas trip. Some of my colleagues said I'm very adventurous and ambitious because normally they will try a short one for their baby first flight (for eg. Penang - 1 hour flight or Bali - 2 hours flight). The flight to Sydney is 7 hours. However, I think we can manage and I'm really looking forward to it.
It's spring in Australia now and temperature is about 15-22 degree celsius. Although Jerlene is very used to air conditioned environment, but it's better to bring some warmer clothing there. We went to Suntec today and bought her a wind breaker and some long sleeves/pants for her. Jerlene looks quite cute in the wind breaker..... :-)
Thursday, September 13, 2007
12 Sep 2007 - Jerlene fell again
This morning just before we go to work, I wanted to search for a bag to keep my sportswear. As I'm not sure where the bags are kept, I called for Tracy. She knew where it is and wanted to show me. She left the room, showed me where the bags are and quickly returned to the room where Jerlene is. This entire process took only about 10secs but it was already enough time for Jerlene to crawl to the edge of our bed and fell. Jerlene started to cry and Tracy quickly carried her up. As Jerlene is always a cheerful baby, seeing her cry really make our heart pain. And again, Tracy cried along........ I have to blame myself this time. If I did not ask Tracy to help me find the bags, Jerlene would not have fallen. Sorry's all daddy's fault..... *sob sob*
11 Sep 2007 - Slowly learn to balance
Jerlene is getting steadier by the day in terms of balancing herself while standing with support. Previously, she is still very wobbily while standing and cannot sustain for too long. But now, she can stand for 5-10 mins easily with support. She can also walk a few steps forward while holding onto something. Standing up from sitting position is no longer an issue for her and she can do it very swiftly. Occasionally, I will hold her and try to teach her how to walk. At the moment, she actually knows how to lift her leg up and step forward. In other words, she already know the concept of walking. So I guess the moment she know how to balance herself without support, that will probably be the day when she starts to walk liao.

10 Sep 2007 - Jerlene's two front teeth (bottom)
If you remember in one of my earlier post regarding Jerlene's first tooth, I mentioned that one grew out earlier than the other. Right now, it seems like the later one has almost caught up with the first. As Jerlene is always so cheerful and smiley, it's not difficult to capture a picture with her two bottom front teeth....hehe.......
Friday, September 7, 2007
6 Sep 2007 - Advertisement addict
All along, i've heard about babies and kids love to watch advertisement. Jerlene has proven it to be true and she's really addicted to advertisement. I'm not sure why but somehow she will know when TV is showing advertisement. She may be playing all the while but when she suddenly stops, you can be very sure that TV is now showing advertisement. I tried to block her sight with my palm and she will try to shift or sometimes pull my hand away. Whatever you do, you cannot get her eyes off the TV during advertisement.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
4 Sep 2007 - Jerlene's 十连拍 (10 pose shots)
Whenever Jerlene sees that I'm holding the camera, she seems to know that I'm going to take photos of her. And she enjoys it because she won't turn away. In fact, she will stay quite still for me the take pictures and sometimes she will pose also. Below are what I call "十连拍" of Jerlene. :)
Sunday, September 2, 2007
1 Sep 2007 - Passion for cheap stuffs
Jerlene really cares for her parents very much, especially our wallets and purses. She has never asked for expensive toys from us. All she asks for are cheap stuffs such as plastic bags, papers and empty boxes. When we bought her some toys, she seems to be more interested in the box than the toy itself. One thing that she enjoys most is PAPER. The moment a paper falls into her hand, it will be crumpled and torn in split second. So we have to be very careful now not to place any important document within her reach.
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