Growth Chart for My Little Ones

Sunday, March 1, 2009

23 Feb 2009 - Not happy with the teacher's action

Jerlene wouldn't let me go this morning. When I wanted to leave, she started screaming and shouting. She clung onto me so tightly that no one can pull her away from me. I had no choice but to stay around longer. In the end, I had to get the teacher to carry her away while I left.

Because she was still crying when we left, we do not feel comfortable. So after breakfast, we decided to go back and take a peep. We felt even more uncomfortable after we saw what happened. We saw Jerlene sitting in one corner crying by herself. Worse still, we heard a teacher's voice from some other corner shouting:"Jerlene, you better stop!". would a 2 year old kid listen to you simply by shouting. After that, we saw a teacher dragging her into the toilet.

We left after confirming that Jerlene had stopped crying. However, I'm really unhappy with how the teacher handles children. Will make an appointment with the supervisor and feedback to her.

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