Growth Chart for My Little Ones

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

31 Mar 2009 - Our little prince has arrived!

0000 - Tracy had slight fever (probably due to her toothache) since afternoon. Dr Ang advised the nurse to inject antibiotic for Tracy to play safe. At the same time, the nurse did a check, 6cm dilated.
0030 - Tracy felt some cramps but not painful. The epidural was quite effective.
0100 - Because of the epidural, Tracy cannot control her urinal system. So the nurse came in to drain off the urine. The nurse did another check, 7cm dilated.
0120 - Tracy started to feel the side effect of epidural, shivering. It started from her leg and slowly creeped up to her upper body. However, her prayer seems to have overcome the shivers after sometimes.
0140 - Nurse called Dr Ang to come over as Tracy is almost fully dilated. The nurses tried to get Tracy to do some pushes so that baby head goes lower. As Tracy cannot feel the contraction pain this time round, she got to listen to the nurse's timing to push. Although I'm not the one giving birth, but when I see Tracy held her breath and push, somehow I will do the same. I think I may use more force than Tracy..... :P
0155 - Dr Ang arrived and started the delivey process. Tracy was told to start pushing again. After a few pushes, the baby head went down a little.
0205 - As Dr Ang felt that the baby may be quite big, he got ready the vacuum to assist in pulling out the baby.
0214 - With a final push from Tracy, our little prince was out to see the world. Dr Ang immediately put him (still a bit bloody) on Tracy for the first look.
0220 - I went ahead to cut the umbilical cord and the nurse started to wipe his body and drain off the water in his nose and mouth. At this time, Dr Ang was collecting the cord blood, removing the placenta and then proceed to stitch for Tracy.
0230 - The nurse then proceed to weigh my little prince and measure his length and head circumference. She also asked me to check if his 10 fingers, 10 toes, birthmark, ear and other part were all properly formed.
My little prince weighs 3.44kg, length 52cm and head circumference 34cm at birth. When we saw the weight, we told ourselves.....if we wait till full term to deliver him, his weight would be more than 4kg by then. In that case, it will definitely be a difficult delivery. Below is a picture of the heroine and heroes on the night.
As I was packing up our stuff and get ready to go to our ward (331), I accidentally knocked into a metal bar by the bed and almost hit my right eye. I can feel that the right side of my right eye got a bit of swelling. The nurse quickly got me some ice cubes wrapped in cloth and asked me to put on the swelling. Sigh.......I guess I'm too anxious at that time.
When we settled down in our ward, it was almost 4am. Finally it's time to rest.
As there was no single room available, we decided to go for the deluxe room (though a bit more expensive) so that I can stay in with Tracy. The deluxe room is like a hotel room with bed, couch, LCD TV, mini fridge, safe, writing table, attached bathroom etc etc. This is how it looks...

Looking out from the windows, we can actually see MacRitchie Reservoir.
We woke up at about 8am when our breakfast was served. Our little prince was then pushed into the room and he was cleaned up. He looks very much like Jerlene at that time.

In the evening, I had severe headache and took two tablets of paractemol. It just came suddenly and I was very worried because I cannot fall sick at this moment. In the coming two weeks, I still need to be a confinement hubby and daddy. If I fall sick, who's going to take care of mommy and baby, plus Jerlene? So I must embrace myself and fight against all sicknesses.......

Now back to Jerlene's update. She was not feeling too well today as she was still having fever and now diarrhea as well. I told my mom to bring her to Mt Alvernia and I'll bring her to see the PD. The PD suspected that she may got infected by a bacteria that are currently spreading around kids from 1-5 years old. However, he needs to do a mucus test to confirm that. According to him, 80% of his mucus test so far showed positive to that bacteria. If that is the case, Jerlene will need another type of antibiotics (Augmentin) to fight this bacteria. The test result will be out in 48 hours.

It's really heartpain to see Jerlene suffering and I cannot be with her for most of the time now. Before she went home with my mom, I brought her to take a peek at her little brother in the nursery. However, she did not have any mood and seems very tired. So I passed her reluctantly to my mom and bidded her goodbye. Jerlene, be strong.....daddy will be with you the next day when mommy has discharged, ok?


WaveSurfer said...

Congratulations for the arrival of your newest family member!

no man's land said...

Congratulations!! I am very happy for you. =)