Growth Chart for My Little Ones

Monday, April 29, 2024

1 Apr 2024 - Spotted Dove nests on a wooden chair at our roof terrace

Tonight while Tracy was doing her gardening at our roof terrace, she suddenly heard some sounds coming from behind.  And when she turned back, she saw a spotted dove nesting on one of our wooden chairs.  In fact, we noticed a bunch of twigs and dried leaves on the chair about a month ago (read this post), and we did suspect if it was a nest.  So tonight it's proven that we were correct.
Across cultures, doves are often seen as symbols of peace, love, new beginnings, and good luck. So, a spotted dove choosing your house to nest in is generally considered a positive sign.
It seems like there were two doves taking turns guarding the nest between day and night, but we were not 100% sure.  The one at night seems to be calmer and remains at its nest even when it sees us.  However, the one during the day seems quite timid and will fly away whenever it sees any movement or hears any sound.  There is indeed an egg in the nest!  :-)

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