Growth Chart for My Little Ones

Monday, April 29, 2024

26 Apr 2024 - DSTA Young Defence Scientists Programme (YDSP) Scholarship

We attended the Young Defence Scientists Programme (YDSP) Congress this afternoon at MBS.  It's an annual event organized by the Defence Science and Technology Agency (DSTA) and DSO National Laboratories (DSO), in recognition of students' outstanding all-round achievements and their interest in defence science and technology.  We were invited to the event because Javier is one of the recipients of the YDSP Scholarship this year.
He received the award from Senior Minister of State for Defence, Mr Heng Chee How.  Congratz and well done, Javier!
After the award ceremony, we went over to a ballroom next door where there were food and beverages for the guests.
There were also booths all around the ballroom, showcasing students' projects completed during the YDSP program, focusing on topics related to defence science and technology.
It's a proud moment for parents like us.  :-)

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