Growth Chart for My Little Ones

Saturday, April 11, 2020

6 Apr 2020 - Night before Circuit Breaker Measures Kick In

As the COVID-19 confirmed cases are on the rise and there is evidence that it's spreading in the community, the government had decided to implement a series of "Circuit Breaker" measures starting tomorrow in the hope of containing the conoravirus.  All non-essential businesses must be closed from tomorrow for a month till 4th of May.  Tuition centres are considered non-essential.  As such, they have to conduct their lessons using virtual classroom for next one month.  In the meantime, they were busy printing out worksheets so that parents or students themselves can collect them before centre closure.  I walked over to the centre at about 9pm and OMG, the queue was terrible.  Looking at the queue at that time, it'll probably take me at least 2 hours before I am able to collect the worksheets for Javier.  I did not bother to queue as there is no way I'm going to crowd there with all the other parents/students for a few hours.  There was also a risk of forming a new cluster as not everyone practiced social distancing.  I immediately left the place to see if there was other means to get the worksheets.
Later that night, I went to the Tuition Centre's Facebook page and saw many parents did not manage to get the worksheets in the end despite queuing for a few hours.  I am so glad that I gave up queuing immediately when I saw the crowd.  The centre then put up a message of their Facebook page that for those who did not get the worksheets, they will send them through courier service.  I'm sure many parents, who had queued for hours, will be very angry after seeing the message........

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