Growth Chart for My Little Ones

Friday, February 6, 2009

2 Feb 2009 - Jerlene made me late for work

My parents will be taking care of Jerlene this whole week. So before going to work, I will bring Jerlene to my parent's place. And when I said bye bye to Jerlene, she will scream, shout and cling onto me very very tightly. I had to spend a lot of time trying to coax her but the moment, I said bye bye, she will start crying again. My mom also tried to calm her down and this whole process took about half an hour before I can leave the place peacefully. And because of this, I was late for work.......

My mom is a bit stressed because Jerlene still keep rejecting food and milk. Throughout the day, she only wants to eat cakes and bread. But when I brought her home, she actually asked for milk. Btw, she started coughing and she seems to have lots of phlegm. So I gave her some medicine prescribed by PD previously for cough and cold.

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