Initially, both of them did not dare to touch the hamster. After seeing me did it without getting bitten, they became bolder. They started touching it softly but after a while, it's not touching anymore. They were poking it harder and harder. OMG, the hamster began to find places to hide from these two little monsters. However, that's not the end. The next moment, I actually saw Jerlene holding the hamster in her palm and running round the house. Sigh.... poor hamster. I had to step in later to educate them the right way to handle a hamster.

They finally stopped "torturing" the hamster but my nightmare had just started. Instead of playing with the hamster, they began playing with the wood flak in the cage. Javier simply grabbed a handful of flak and started throwing all over the place. My entire living room was in a mess within 15 mins. After my helper cleaned up everything, they did the same mischievous thing again. I had to stepped in one more time to stop them from all this nonsense. Now, I'm not sure if I had made a right decision to get them a pet. Will see how it goes......
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