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Wednesday, May 24, 2017

28 May 2017 - Iceland Day 3: Geysir and Strokkur

The next stop along the Golden Circle is Geysir geothermal area.
The moment we stepped into the area, Javier immediately shouted:"Eeeeee.....rotten egg smell"!
There are signs everywhere warning people not to get too close to the water as it's extremely hot.
Before reaching to the main Geyser, we were "greeted" by a small one called the Little Geysir.
There are many boiling mud pits and exploding geysers around.
The main attraction in this area is none other than the lively Strokkur, which spouts scalding water 100ft into the air every few minutes.  This exploding geyser is much better than the one (Lady Knox Geyser) we saw in New Zealand whereby it needs to be "manually triggered".  Furthermore, travellers do not have to pay an entrance fee to enter this geysir area, unlike the geyser park in NZ.
The original Geysir in the area no longer erupts after an earthquake shut it down but it did lend its name to hot springs all over the world. It was the first geyser described in a printed source and the first known to modern Europeans.
Here's a video compilation of the great Strokkur geyser.
As it was lunch time, we took our lunch at a café in the Geysir Centre before heading to the next stop along Golden Circle.

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