Ever since Jerlene is 3 weeks old, we have been bringing her out every weekends without fail. There were one or two weekends where we left home quite late in the afternoon, you can see that for the entire morning, Jerlene has been quite gloomy. And the moment you carried her, she gets very excited, thinking that we are going out soon.
Anyway, today we went to VivoCity as I was told there is a HSBC roadshow with good interest for time deposit. However, it's just some gimmicks.....they are mainly promoting their insurance policies...... After that, we brought Jerlene to the playground but it's quite hot in the open. So we decided to go back indoor and went to Toys-R-Us. Jerlene got very excited the moment I stepped into the place. Every shelves that I walked past she will try to reach out to the toys. When I let her down on the floor, she will crawl to the toys and pull them off the lower shelf. And when Tracy and I pretend to leave, she will look at us but her hand is still firmly holding onto the toys. Luckily Jerlene gets distracted very easily now so she won't cry when I carried her up and walked to other sections.

When we were about to leave VivoCity, at the basement, there are those mini merry-go-round and other rides. I remember when I was a kid, those rides only cost 20cents per ride. I was shocked when I saw that nowadays, it costs $1 per ride. Anyway, Jerlene is still too small to take the ride now. One thing is that she seems to be very interested in steering wheel. Perhaps in future, she will become the first female F1 driver in the world??? Haha.......

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