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Saturday, June 29, 2024

10 Jun 2024 - Tokyo Day 1: Nakamise-dori Street & Sensō-ji

You cannot say that you had visited Asakusa without paying a visit to Nakamise-dori Street & Sensō-ji.  
Nakamise-dori Street and Sensō-ji Temple are like two peas in a pod - you can't experience one without the other.
Nakamise-dori boasts a rich history, dating back to the 17th century. As we walked through the 250-meter-long street, lined with over 90 shops on either side, it's as though we had been transported back in time.
As we emerged from the vibrant energy of Nakamise-dori, we were greeted by the imposing Kaminarimon Gate, the outer gate of Sensō-ji Temple. This iconic landmark, with its large red lantern, marks the official entrance to the temple grounds.
We proceeded through the gate and entered the main temple ground.
There was a five-storied pagoda, which is a symbol of good luck.
We then had our dinner at a nearby McDonalds while waiting for night fall.  A nighttime visit to Nakamise-dori Street and Sensō-ji Temple offers a unique perspective on this iconic Tokyo landmark. Gone are the daytime crowds, replaced by a peaceful tranquility. 
With the shops closed, a hidden treasure of Nakamise-dori comes to life: the Asakusa Emaki.  These intricate murals adorn the shutters of the shops, depicting historical scenes, festivals, and traditional life in Asakusa. Illuminated by the soft glow, these artworks come alive, offering a glimpse into the rich history of this area.
As you approach Sensō-ji Temple, the iconic Kaminarimon Gate stands tall, its large red lantern casting a warm glow on the path ahead. The temple itself takes center stage, bathed in a soft, ethereal light. The intricate details of the architecture are subtly highlighted, creating a sense of awe and wonder.
As we ventured beyond the main hall, we saw the five-storied pagoda with its silhouette reaching towards the moonlit sky. The serene Sensō-ji Garden offered a tranquil escape, illuminated by strategically placed lanterns that casted an otherworldly glow.
Nakamise-dori and Sensō-ji at night had definitely left us with a lasting impression.

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