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Saturday, June 29, 2024

13 Jun 2024 - Tokyo Day 4: First Look at Shibuya

We visited Shibuya this morning.  It's a place where towering skyscrapers adorned with dazzling LED screens, and neon signs cast a vibrant glow on the ever-flowing crowds.
The iconic Shibuya Scramble Crossing, where pedestrians flooded the intersection in a mesmerizing display of organized chaos, is a must-see!  It's a photographer's paradise and a testament to the district's frenetic energy.
Since we were there, we got to experience it ourselves.  :-)
There are a few places where we could witness Shibuya Crossing from above.  One of them was the Starbucks Cafe.
Shibuya is a district that constantly reinvents itself. New trends emerge, stores open and close, and the overall vibe remains dynamic.  We saw a group of "Mario Kart" enthusiasts zooming through the busy roads.
There is a famous monument to an incredibly loyal Akita dog named Hachiko, right outside the train station.  Here's the story:

"In the 1920s, Hachiko would faithfully greet his owner, Professor Ueno, at Shibuya Station every day after work.  Sadly, Professor Ueno passed away unexpectedly one day and never returned to the station.  Unwavering in his loyalty, Hachiko continued to visit the station every day for the next nine years, waiting for his owner to return.  Hachiko's story touched the hearts of many, and after his death, a bronze statue was erected in his honor at Shibuya Station."

The Hachiko statue has become a popular landmark and a cherished meeting spot in Shibuya. It serves as a poignant reminder of Hachiko's unwavering loyalty and a symbol of the deep bond between humans and animals.  During peak hours, you need to queue up in order to take photo with it.  
Soon, it's lunch time and we had our lunch at a Yoshinoya store along the street.
There is also a popular Shibuya 3D Panda on a LED screen, located on Shibuya Center Gai, a popular pedestrian street with a lively atmosphere, just around the corner from the Starbucks Shibuya Tsutaya and above the Yamashita Honki Udon shop.
It features a playful panda interacting with a giant casino slot machine.

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