Growth Chart for My Little Ones

Saturday, June 29, 2024

14 Jun 2024 - Tokyo Day 5: Transparent Public Toilet

While we were researching on special and interesting sites within Tokyo, we read about the transparent toilets.  While the concept may seem unusual to some, these see-through facilities have been popping up in various locations around the city.  The one we went is at Yoyogi Fukamachi Mini Park.  The idea behind transparent toilets is to promote cleanliness and deter vandalism. By making the toilets visible, it is hoped that people will be less likely to leave them dirty or damage the facilities. Additionally, some believe that transparent toilets can help to prevent accidents, as people can see if the toilet is occupied.
How it works is that once you lock the door from inside, it see-through panels turn opaque.  So it's like now you see.....
and now you don't!

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