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Saturday, June 29, 2024

11 Jun 2024 - Tokyo Day 2: Diver City Tokyo Plaza

Diver City Tokyo Plaza is a major player in Odaiba's entertainment scene.  This full-fledged entertainment complex offers a unique blend of retail therapy, family fun, and a giant robotic icon.
From casual eateries to sit-down restaurants, DiverCity Tokyo Plaza offers a vast array of dining options to satisfy all palates.  So before we started exploring the mall, we first had some ice cream crepes.
With over 160 stores, Diver City Tokyo Plaza caters to diverse tastes.
DiverCity Tokyo Plaza houses the Unko Museum, also known as the Poop Museum.  When I told Jerlene and Javier about it, both of them gave me a stern "NO"!
They would rather have fun at the video arcade games.  I am always amazed by their skills at those Rhythm games.  Watch it for yourself in the video below.
As for Gundam fans, this plaza also houses a huge Gundam Base which allows visitors to explore the world of Gundam models and witness life-sized exhibits.
Of course, the star of the show at Diver City is none other than the life-sized Gundam statue standing proudly outside the mall, which I will share in my next post.

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