Growth Chart for My Little Ones

Saturday, June 22, 2024

9 Jun 2024 - Attending Anime Market @ Suntec

Jerlene had recently joined the Sakuran Japanese Cultural Club (SJCC) in NYP as her CCA.  The club’s five divisions are Origami, Manga Anime Illustration Drawings (MAID), Japanese Music & Dance (JMD), Cosplay Anonymous and Film Addicts.  She had chosen JMD and Cosplay among the five divisions.  Jerlene had been into Anime for a while.  SJCC aims to share their love and appreciation of the Japanese culture to everyone in NYP! The members cultivate an interest in Japanese culture and language and build up self-confidence to improve their communication skills with the Japanese community.  
Today she attended an Anime Fest with her friends.  She even got herself a wig and a simple cardigan to attend the event.  I will take a picture of her cosplay look next time when it's more "polished".  :-)

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