Growth Chart for My Little Ones

Saturday, June 29, 2024

14 Jun 2024 - Tokyo Day 5: Meiji Shrine

Next, we visited Meiji Shrine, which is just one metro stop away from the transparent toilet at Yoyogi Fukamachi Mini Park.  Meiji Shrine is a Shinto shrine located in Shibuya, Tokyo. Dedicated to Emperor Meiji and Empress Shōken, it is one of the most popular and significant shrines in Japan.
The shrine grounds are extensive and beautifully landscaped, featuring traditional Japanese gardens, a forest, and a moat. Visitors can stroll through the tranquil surroundings, admire the architecture, and enjoy the peaceful ambiance.
The shrine's forest is home to a variety of trees, including many ancient and majestic specimens.
Meiji Shrine was built in 1920 to commemorate Emperor Meiji, who reigned from 1867 to 1912, and Empress Shōken. The shrine's construction was a major undertaking, with thousands of trees and buildings relocated from all over Japan to create the serene and peaceful atmosphere it is known for today.
The main shrine building is a massive structure made of cypress wood. It is a masterpiece of traditional Japanese architecture and is a popular spot for photography.
We originally intended to back track to where we came from, but we took a wrong turn in the forest and ended up at a wrong exit.  We did not realize until we saw a fire station, which we did not recall seeing one earlier.

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