Growth Chart for My Little Ones

Saturday, June 29, 2024

15 Jun 2024 - Tokyo Day 6: Pokémon Center MEGA TOKYO & Pikachu Sweets

According to Javier, today is the launch of Gen VI sitting Pokemon in Tokyo.  Every single Pokemon from Gen VI has been turned into a Sitting Cutie, including his favourite Pokemon "Silveon".  The collection is only available in Japan for now and since we were here in Tokyo, we decided to pay a visit to Pokemon Center at Sunshine City in Ikeburuko. 
This is definitely a paradise for any Pokemon fan.
It was crowded which we had expected due to the launch event.  Soon after we entered the store, Javier found his sitting Silveon.  He was more excited here than visiting a theme park.
Next to the Pokemon Center is Pikachu Sweets Store which offers a variety of delicious confectionery inspired by the iconic Pikachu.  From cakes and cookies to candies and drinks, every item is designed to capture the adorable and playful spirit of the beloved electric mouse.

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