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Saturday, June 29, 2024

15 Jun 2024 - Tokyo Day 6: Brunch and Uniqlo Ginza Flagship Store

As we slept quite late last night, we decided not to wake up too early this morning.  By the time we were ready to move out, it's almost 11am.  As such, we went to a nearby Japanese restaurant for brunch.
After brunch, we paid a visit to the flagship Uniqlo store in Ginza.  We walked past this store every day but it's either before it opens or after it's closed.  Since we set off late today, we managed to visit it before going elsewhere.  This store spreads over multiple floors, providing ample space for shoppers to browse and try on clothes.
This flagship store incorporates interactive displays and technology to enhance the shopping experience.
Across the road is another popular mall called Ginza Six.

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