Growth Chart for My Little Ones

Saturday, June 29, 2024

11 Jun 2024 - Tokyo Day 2: teamLabs Planets

Our next stop, teamLab Planets Tokyo.  From Tsukiji Outer Market, it's a short 20-minute bus ride to teamLab Planets.  This is a mesmerizing digital art museum where we walked through water, and a garden where we became one with the flowers.
Before entering the main artwork spaces, we had to put all our belongings, including our socks and shoes, into the lockers.  Yes, we went barefooted through all the indoor areas of the museum.
The first area is called "The Infinite Crystal Universe".  Here, the light sculpture extends infinitely in all directions.  This artwork is forever evolving, changing from moment to moment due to the people in the space.
The next area was very interesting where our feet were totally submerged in water.
This area is called "Drawing on the Water Surface", where Koi swim on the surface of water that stretches out into infinity.  The movement of the koi is influenced by the presence of people in the water and also other koi. When the fish collide with people they turn into flowers and scatter.
In the next area, we got to move through the spheres which changed colours when we pushed them.  The surrounding spheres responded one after another, resonating and emitting the same tone and light color.
Following the Spheres of Light was another space called "Floating in the Falling Universe of Flowers".
We could either lie down or sit still in the space and eventually our body floated, and we dissolved into the artwork world.  This area was extremely immersive which may cause dizziness to some.  Jerlene and Javier were feeling a bit giddy, and I advised them to close their eyes for a while.
The Moss Garden of Resonating Microcosms was a semi-outdoor space.  During daytime, the Ovoids reflect the world around them.  When pushed down by a person or blown by the wind, the ovoid falls back and then rises, releasing a resonating tone. The ovoids around it also respond one after another, continuing to resonate with the same tone.
The final area is called the "Floating Flower Garden".  This artwork space is completely filled with flowers, but as the flowers floated up above us.
The flowers in this artwork are orchids. Most orchids are able to grow without soil by absorbing water from the air.
At the entrance of the museum, there was an interesting structure called "One Stroke Bench".  Like the stroke of a brush, this is a single, connected bench.
This was one of the most unique museums that we had visited and highly recommended.  Watch the following video which showcases some of the highlights.  However, you need to be there to really experience the immersive surrounding.

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