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Saturday, June 29, 2024

10 Jun 2024 - Tokyo Day 1: Short Night Visit to Akihabara

Before returning to our accommodations at Ginza, we decided to alight at Suehirocho Station and to pay a visit to Tokyo's Electric Town, Akihibara.  After the sun sets, Akihabara transformed into a unique nightscape, with the explosion of neon lights.  Towering buildings which adorned with brightly lit signs advertising the latest anime, games, and electronics created a dazzling spectacle.
We visited the Animate store, which was one of the few stores there were still opened. 
We managed to get some cheap Nintendo Switch games before the store closed.
While walking along the street, we saw many girls dressed in maid outfits holding signs or giving out flyers to passersby.  They were there promoting maid cafes which are a popular attraction in Akihabara.

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